Born and raised in Omaha, Nebraska, Jeffrey Seitzer received a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago, was a postdoctoral fellow at the Max-Planck Institute for European Legal History in Frankfurt, Germany, and a visiting scholar at the Institute for Advanced Legal Studies at the University of London. He teaches at Roosevelt University, where he won an award for adjunct teaching in the humanities in 2018. Author, editor, and translator of several books and many essays on law and philosophy, his creative nonfiction has appeared in Brevity Nonfiction Blog, Hippocampus, The Good Men Project, the Write Launch, Pulse Magazine, and elsewhere. Jeff still lives with his wife and daughter Penelope in Chicago, because of, not despite, the weather.
Wanted: Fierce Dragon Grandma for Help with Pandemic that drastic action was needed. I know that Trump was wrong. The contrary evidence was overwhelming. Yet I desperately needed to believe that the virus would peter out on its own, as he insisted it would, because I wanted my old life back.…
Buddha Enters Seventh Grade in Chicago Eastern religions are full of surprises for students in my world religions class. There are heavens and hells, plural, not just one each. Also, the heavens and hells are not permanent. After a time, you are reborn, perhaps a human, perhaps not. You might end up as an…
My Birthday with the Carmelites “So, tell me about something interesting you have done lately or about something you have planned for the summer.” No response. Everyone just looked sideways, or down at their feet. No one was volunteering anything. “Come on people!” a casual observer might remark. “This is the era of oversharing.…
The Good Men Project (April 21, 2019)
The Brevity Nonfiction Blog (December 2018)
The Write Launch (August 2018)
Pulse: Voices from the Heart of Medicine (May 2018)
Pulse: Voices from the Heart of Medicine (February 2, 2018)